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In November 10th 1980 the Jönköping Renju club started. Here is some historical facts about the club and in the end you can find a lot of information about our players.

The first period of the club was a very intensive period for myself.

In November 1980 I issued my first printing in Swedish about Gomoku and Renju: ."Maltell, Tommy. Hur man vinner i luffarschack ; Hur man spelar renju / Tommy Maltell. 1980" 22-23 November 1980". This month I also won my first Swedish (Free) Gomoku Championship and on the 17th of January 1981 I won the first Swedish Champmionship of Renju. Tomas Hagenfors who later should be a member of our club was no 2.

When I started the club I had good help from Alf Dahlgren. At that time he had a lot of information about our game in different places and many of the names of the persons which I contacted before the start I had received from Alf.

Each meeting also was a local tournament. The results from the first tournament in our club on the 10th of November 1980:
1. Tommy Maltell
2. Marie Larsson
3. Kenth Persson
4. Ola Enliden
5. Sven Ebbesson
6. Ingemar Sundberg
7. Lars B. Melin (Now he is auditor of RIF)
8. Maria Ekwall 8

In autumn 1980 and in the first half of 1981 I won all club tournaments.

Peter Jonsson (Former General Secretary of RIF) started on the 9th of February 1981. His first result was no 5 of 11 players.

Marie Larsson was the only other club member besides me to to play in the Swedish Championship of Gomoku November, 22-23 1980. She became no 26 and she was for a long time no 2 in our club but on the 23rd of March 1981 Ola Kårén entered the club. He at once took the place as no 2 in the club.

On the 31st of August 1981 Christer Lorentsson became a member.

On the 11th of Januari 1982 Sven Johansson, the famous chess player in Jönkoping chess club entered our club.

On the 7th of March 1982 Takahiro Kudomi, famous problem maker from Japan, visited our club. It was the first visit from Japan.

On th 14th of March 1982 some of the Swedish players and Jönkoping players went to see Wataru Ikawa (one of the famous writers of the book Five-In-a- row/Renju) in Helsingborg just after having finished the Swedish Championship in Kinna. Here is a photo: http://renju.se/images/04ikamal.jpg

On December 4-5, 1982 the Jönköping club arranged the first international Renju tournament, Swedish Open International Championship.
Image from the event:http://renju.se/images/05swop92.jpg
The players standing from left are:
Lars B Melin, Stig Werninger, Stefan Jansson, Ola Kårén, Ingvar Sundling and Christer Lorentsson, Jorma Karppinen, Peter Jonsson, Tord Andersson, Tommy Maltell, Ingemar Sundberg, Stefan Möller.
The players sitting from left are:
Tadayoshi Tanaka (the winner), Tuyushi Hayakawa, Kosho Hayakawa and Shoseki Honda. Honda was 81 then and he defeated all the 3 best Swedish players. He has then visited Sweden 4 times more and he took part in the Kyoto 1200-years jubilee tournament 1994. He died 1995. His strongest periond was 1920-1929.

Some historical images also with text info you can find on the following URL- adddress:
There is also images from my visit in Japan 1983.

During a crize period ( I cannot exactly remember the exact period but I guess it was 1984-1995) when Peter was studying in Linköping and Stefan had not started Sven and I was the only active players in our club.

The first 6 years it was a club of its own and for some years we had our own place to play. After some difficult years for the club with few active players we restarted when we became a section within KFUM (YMCA) on the 7th of October 1986. At that time Tomas Hagenfors joined us and became the chairman and those who know him knows that he always makes a god job to enthusiast new members.

Many famous players has played in the club since the start. Below they are ordered after a very old RIF rating list and they have made their own presentations on the following URL-address:

Within their own presentations you can also find historical event for our club.

  • 009. Stefan Karlsson, who started autumn 1985. He is now playing in the Stockholm Renju club. Stefan was No 3 in the individual World Championship of Renju in Beijing, China 1999
  • 038. Rickard Johannesson, who started 1989
  • 048. Anders Henningsson, who startad 1987. He is now living and playing in China.
  • 123. Göran Holgersson, who started march 1988
  • 129. Martin Carlsson, who started autumn 1994
  • 173. Peter Jonsson, who started 9th of February 1981
  • 190. Tommy Maltell, who started the club 10th of November 1980
  • 199. Peder Svensson, who started 1990
  • 236. Tomas Hagenfors, who started in the club 1986 but he had played a lot before. He was Swedish Champion in Go Moku 1977. Now he is the leader of the club in Kumla, Sweden
  • 243. Olga Skuridina, who started in the club after marriage with Peter Jonsson but she started with renju 1985 in Nishni Novgorod club (Gorkij) in Russia.

Part 2 - The below info was added by Tommy Maltell on 16th of December 2015 - the club is 35 years old

The list above is an old list ordered after a very old rating list and the facts mentioned are often old facts. 

On the RIF Web site: http://www.renju.net/people/worldplayers.php you can find several players from Jönköping and other players by searching.

Here you can find for each player several images, the best results of the player, articles including the player and statistics regarding the players games.

For example on the RIF Web site you can find the following players from the Jönköping club. Some of them now play in other clubs.

Remarkable is that all the 3 presidents of RIF (Renju International Federation) so far have been members of our club.
Tommy Maltell 1988-2001
Peter Jonsson  2001-2015
Anders Henningsson 2015-

Players with images and often articles are mentioned from Renju World Magazine (The players are ordered after RIF Id)

Stefan Karlsson http://www.renju.net/people/worldplayers.php?people_id=3
Peter Jonsson http://www.renju.net/people/worldplayers.php?people_id=34
Olga Skuridina http://www.renju.net/people/worldplayers.php?people_id=61
Tommy Maltell http://www.renju.net/people/worldplayers.php?people_id=63
Rickard Sandström http://www.renju.net/people/worldplayers.php?people_id=102
Kristian Lindberg http://www.renju.net/people/worldplayers.php?people_id=103
Tomas Hagenfors http://www.renju.net/people/worldplayers.php?people_id=108
Martin Carlsson http://www.renju.net/people/worldplayers.php?people_id=185
Anders Henningsson http://www.renju.net/people/worldplayers.php?people_id=186 
Göran Holgersson http://www.renju.net/people/worldplayers.php?people_id=187
Rickard Johannesson http://www.renju.net/people/worldplayers.php?people_id=188
Martin Karlsson http://www.renju.net/people/worldplayers.php?people_id=189
Mikael Johansson http://www.renju.net/people/worldplayers.php?people_id=1921

Some players where only games statistics are mentioned

Peder Svensson http://www.renju.net/people/worldplayers.php?people_id=192
Adam Florentzson http://www.renju.net/people/worldplayers.php?people_id=1238
Ola Kårén http://www.renju.net/people/worldplayers.php?people_id=1337
Christer Lorentsson http://www.renju.net/people/worldplayers.php?people_id=1338
Sven Johansson http://www.renju.net/people/worldplayers.php?people_id=1339
Lars B Melin http://www.renju.net/people/worldplayers.php?people_id=1341

On the RIF Web site: http://www.renju.net/people/worldplayers.php you can find even more players from our club where statistics only are available regarding a few games. 

Första delen av den här artikeln skrevs och publicerades av Tommy Maltell i samband med klubbens 20-årsjubileum den 10 november 2000
The first part of this article was written and published by Tommy Maltell when the club had its 20-years celebration on 10th of November 2000